All persons making use of any consolidation of bylaws are reminded that these documents have no legal status, that the amendments have been embodied only for convenience or reference, and that the original bylaws should be consulted for all purposes of interpretation and application of the law. Should you require an official copy of a bylaw, please contact the Town Office at 306-642-3382.


View Town Bylaws

Planning & Development


Admin & Finance


  • Traffic Bylaw 11 20

    Mobility Scooters

    Concerns of safety regarding Mobility Scooters have been brought to our attention.  As per our Traffic Bylaw 11/20, No person shall operate a mobility scooter on any public roadway unless the mobility scooter displays a red, yellow or orange flag with a total surface area not less than 500 cm2 (77.5 inches2) at a height of not less than 1.5 metres (4.92 feet) from the ground. If you or your loved one, get around on a mobility scooter – please use the sidewalk or the pedestrian side of the street, stay away from parked vehicles and watch for traffic.

  • Waste Management Bylaw No. 18-14
  • Water Restrictions Bylaw No. 04-09   
  • Water Restriction - New Lawn Bylaw 13/17
  • Water / Sewer Bylaw No. 02 16


Protective Services Cost Recovery Bylaw 13/20

Council adopted Bylaw 13/20, known as the Protective Services Cost Recovery Bylaw, which states that the cost of fire prevention, suppression and emergency response services shall be charged directly on the persons who receive the services in accordance with rates contained within the Fees and Charges Bylaw.  and amended with Bylaw 14 20.  We encourage all property owners to contact their insurance provider to discuss your policy coverage.  These rates will be effective January 1st, 2021 to provide property owners time to ensure their policies are sufficient to meet their needs. 

False Alarm Fees- (1st call free, 2nd call free with written warning)   

                                    3rd call $200.00

                                    4th call  $400.00

                                    Subsequent calls   Double

Fire Prevention, suppression & emergency response services - $938/hr to a maximum charge of $10,000 per incident.


Assiniboia Fire & Protective Services Bylaw 10/23